Friday, June 22, 2012

Grateful for "My Journey"

I want to take a moment and say how grateful/thankful I am for the wonderful life I have been given.  All of the good I have had outweighs the bad parts and I have learned how to just deal with life and it's quirks, cricks and crannies that are presented to me at various intervals.  These are all stepping stones that I have to learn to deal with.  Once I deal with them I don't ever have to revisit them again.  If I don't deal with them... well,guess what??? They come back and I have to re-go thru that lesson all over again!  So I try real hard to deal with everything in a positive enlightening way.  It's been a HARD lesson to learn and it doesn't always come easy... every day is a new day with new experiences to experience and new life to live!  I have a friend who calls it... "Her Journey"!  So this too is "My Journey" or as I like to say "The Days of My Life". 
I see and hear so many that are trudging through their "Journey" exhausted, unhappy... they get so far down and can't or don't know how to get up!  I was there at one point in time too... but I purposed to NEVER get there again!  No matter what comes my way!  Everything that comes my way is a stepping stone... I can step over it ... only to find it resurface down the road; I can tiptoe on it ... Not learning the purpose of that stone in my life and therefore letting it make me exhausted and unhappy ... OR I can STEP on it ... deal with everything it brings my way, CRUSH it and go on in My Journey, having LEARNED what and why that stone was put there in the first place.  
Yeah I know it may be something we don't want to learn ... something we don't want to deal with ... and many find "alternative ways" (but that's a whole other blog-to come) on NOT dealing with those stones.  But hello... we do NOT live in Heaven yet!  We must "GO THRU" our Journey that has been given us to make us into that person we are meant to be. 
As most of "my friends" know I am not a Religious person!  I DO NOT LIKE RELIGION! But I do LOVE God and I do have a relationship with God!  I was raised in religion and it dominated my life as a child, and on into my adult years.  I now refuse to let Religion and Religious People interfere in My Life, My Journey, My Relationship I have with God!  As I am fond of saying ... "who died and made you God?"  This is MY Life, MY Journey, and MY Relationship with God ... NOBODY else will stand and give an account but ME>MYSELF>and I!!!!  I and I alone have to learn how to STAND on those stones that come my way and crush them.  I and I alone have to learn how to live my life and make it thru this Journey of mine ... "These Days of My Life" ...

Monday, June 18, 2012

Not feeling it today....

Well Goodmorning... I think, might take awhile before I can really feel Good today!  Nichole called just as we laid down last night about 1130.. (Had to see season opener of Falling Skies!) Madison had been running in the house, tripped and they think broke her nose.  She was gonna call hospital nurse and talk to her... then call us back.  We got up, got dressed (thinking we were headed to ER).  Nurse told her they wouldn't really set it ... just to watch it and see how it was this am.  So back to bed we went only to NOT be able to sleep!  Had a text come thru from Nichole around 330am... and after that finally fell asleep.  BUT had to be up this morning... Filling in at "Henderson Office" for the week while they all are vacation!  Wayne went to get Madison so Nichole could go to school today... Yep Poppy is gonna babysit... But he loves it!
I have had contemplations about finding a J-O-B when Madison starts school this fall... BUT this "having" to get up and come to the office... well, THAT totally sucks!  I haven't "had" to get up in a long time!  Have been very spoiled .. even when we had our own business..  I didn't have to get up and get to the office.  I got up when I wanted too, got coffee and took to Wayne already at the office!  It makes a big difference getting up because "you want too" opposed to because "you have too"!
But I won't complain.... "too much" this week.... LOL.... I have a great life and I did volunteer to do this for friends... they aren't making me!  LOL

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Beginning

A friend encouraged me to start my own blog... said I viewed and said things about life in a "creative" way!  lol  Not sure if that is a good thing or not!  As I was researching blogs, I found I had already signed up to start one and had just never completed it.  So here we go...


You might not agree with my views.. and that's fine!  For I am sure I won't agree with yours either!  Just remember this is MY Blog!  Should be fun......