Sunday, December 30, 2012


I don't get up on Sundays and attend a church service in a church building for many reasons. 

NOWADAYS... You have fruo-frou music.... No deep soul searching going on with this stuff.  
No songs about Heaven and longing to go there.  
NOWADAYS... You have frou-frou preaching.... No deep, fiery messages about God, Heaven and how we should prepare to go.  It's all about living our lives HERE on earth... 
NOWADAYS... Nobody cares about going to Heaven.  

I long for the days of old... when we sang about Heaven and how we couldn't wait to go.  
I long for the fiery messages preached by a man of God who was a true shepherd or watchman for our soul.  
I was involved in a conversation not too long ago... where I expressed the fact that I didn't like the "new" music or the sermon that was preached at a church I visited.  I was immediately told... "all those old songs talk about is dying"..... and "all that ole time preachin is warning people to get ready, the rapture is coming"........... I chose not to comment, due to just creating an argument, but I have been so disturbed by this conversation and so very saddened.

Now, I am not interested in a man standing behind a pulpit telling me how I should dress, what I should eat, where I should or shouldn't go.... but I am interested in a man of God being my shepherd, my watchman for my soul.  THAT is the duty of a Pastor.  
NOWADAYS... we have none.  

My husband would prefer I not be so hard... so maybe I will say we have few, if any! They all wanna be King of their domain.  It's all about growing a big church and being "cool".... The don't visit their sheep like they used too, have dinner at church members homes, get to know them.  They don't tarry in the altar with them... they have others come up and pray with or for them. 
At this same church, there was a moment when a woman went to the altar ... NOBODY ... went over to pray with her.  I expected the preacher to go and at least pray with her... when he didn't, I thought for sure somebody will go... But Nobody went.  I was like, well, that would Never have happened in the older days when preachers knew it was their duty to be the shepherd of the sheep.  

NOWADAYS... Music leaves me feeling empty.  I can come home and put on my "old" music, or turn my keyboard on and sing the "old" music and I go straight into the Holy of Holies!  
And NOWADAYS... Nobody, knows what the Holy Ghost is much less believes or preaches you have to have it!  What is up with that?  

I told my husband the other day... I was ready for a "Real Old Time Church" like we used to have.  I'm not interested in pleasing the crowds.  I want people to come and FEEL God. I want people to come and leave knowing they touched Heaven.  Or as the song says... "They went to Heaven, though they never left the room!" -Hinsons  
I want him to preach sermons that warn people about the rapture and to help guide them so they don't miss it.  If we don't get shepherds and watchmen back so many people are gonna be lost.  I want to sing the songs that talk about going to Heaven.  Leaving this ole earthly world, earthly body, living in a new world and having a new body.  
I don't understand people being content to live here on earth and live this life and then what??  I am ready for the rapture... ready to go get my life started in Heaven... ready to worship around the throne... ready to see my savior and praise him for just being REAL to me.  
I don't want to be a NOWADAYS church... I want to be an ole time church!  I wanna tarry in the altar, I wanna sing til I don't have a voice, worship til I am exhausted and come back and do it all over again. Let's go back to talking about Heaven, singing about Heaven, getting ready to go to Heaven!  

I'm not talking about any one religion...... NOWADAYS, they are all alike.  You can't tell them apart.  Although there are some that do retain the "old time standards" so to speak.  But even they have changed their music and preaching.  But there again... We don't need preachers in pulpits telling us what "standards" we should live by.  God "ripped the veil in two" so that WE our own self, could go before HIM and have HIM to tell us what is right and what is wrong.  Preachers are there to preach about Heaven and to guide us... not tell us...... or mandate to us what sin is and what sin isn't.

NOWADAYS... they say those old songs aren't relevant to/for today.  They were wrote long ago.. for another time and age.  Well, if that's the case... Do you believe 'The Bible" is relevant to/for today?
NOWADAYS... that old time preaching isn't relevant to/for today.  But do you not believe in Heaven and going? Do you not believe in the Rapture? And getting prepared to go?

Go ahead with your NOWADAYS churches and church services.... But I have a longing to feel the mighty power of God like it used to be manifest in a church service.  


Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Well, Another moving day has been set.  I am torn about this move... Looking forward to being back in St. Augustine but sure am gonna miss my "access" to Madison on a daily basis!  But our times together in St. Augustine will be very special.  There is so much there for her and I to do together and so much history for her to learn.
I am also looking forward to living on the water.  My views from inside the house are awesome and to be able to just go out to the boat dock, sit and watch the Pelicans (my favorite bird) perch right on posts at my dock... oh my!  House is more "cottage" like... in other words "small".. lol... but I am telling myself that is less house to clean!
It is hard to imagine.... I am 49 yrs old and in my lifetime I have moved (counting this move) to a total of 35 houses!  Thirteen of those houses were from the age of 1 to 21.  I lived in 5 different houses when I was married to my first husband... which is more houses than years we were married!  The 7 yrs I was a single mom I lived in 4 different houses and since Wayne and I have been married (17 yrs)... We have lived in a total of 12... this one will count as 13!
Through all those moves THIS will be the first one I have not had to pack for myself!  So, if I seem a little "over the top" about moving company coming in, packing me up, moving my stuff and unpacking for me... then please reference the above moves and I think you'll understand my excitement!  I'm alittle nervous about some of my stuff being packed by someone else... but I am sure gonna take advantage of this service and let them do it all!
I sure hope this is my last move... for this view I will Never tire of ....

Friday, June 22, 2012

Grateful for "My Journey"

I want to take a moment and say how grateful/thankful I am for the wonderful life I have been given.  All of the good I have had outweighs the bad parts and I have learned how to just deal with life and it's quirks, cricks and crannies that are presented to me at various intervals.  These are all stepping stones that I have to learn to deal with.  Once I deal with them I don't ever have to revisit them again.  If I don't deal with them... well,guess what??? They come back and I have to re-go thru that lesson all over again!  So I try real hard to deal with everything in a positive enlightening way.  It's been a HARD lesson to learn and it doesn't always come easy... every day is a new day with new experiences to experience and new life to live!  I have a friend who calls it... "Her Journey"!  So this too is "My Journey" or as I like to say "The Days of My Life". 
I see and hear so many that are trudging through their "Journey" exhausted, unhappy... they get so far down and can't or don't know how to get up!  I was there at one point in time too... but I purposed to NEVER get there again!  No matter what comes my way!  Everything that comes my way is a stepping stone... I can step over it ... only to find it resurface down the road; I can tiptoe on it ... Not learning the purpose of that stone in my life and therefore letting it make me exhausted and unhappy ... OR I can STEP on it ... deal with everything it brings my way, CRUSH it and go on in My Journey, having LEARNED what and why that stone was put there in the first place.  
Yeah I know it may be something we don't want to learn ... something we don't want to deal with ... and many find "alternative ways" (but that's a whole other blog-to come) on NOT dealing with those stones.  But hello... we do NOT live in Heaven yet!  We must "GO THRU" our Journey that has been given us to make us into that person we are meant to be. 
As most of "my friends" know I am not a Religious person!  I DO NOT LIKE RELIGION! But I do LOVE God and I do have a relationship with God!  I was raised in religion and it dominated my life as a child, and on into my adult years.  I now refuse to let Religion and Religious People interfere in My Life, My Journey, My Relationship I have with God!  As I am fond of saying ... "who died and made you God?"  This is MY Life, MY Journey, and MY Relationship with God ... NOBODY else will stand and give an account but ME>MYSELF>and I!!!!  I and I alone have to learn how to STAND on those stones that come my way and crush them.  I and I alone have to learn how to live my life and make it thru this Journey of mine ... "These Days of My Life" ...

Monday, June 18, 2012

Not feeling it today....

Well Goodmorning... I think, might take awhile before I can really feel Good today!  Nichole called just as we laid down last night about 1130.. (Had to see season opener of Falling Skies!) Madison had been running in the house, tripped and they think broke her nose.  She was gonna call hospital nurse and talk to her... then call us back.  We got up, got dressed (thinking we were headed to ER).  Nurse told her they wouldn't really set it ... just to watch it and see how it was this am.  So back to bed we went only to NOT be able to sleep!  Had a text come thru from Nichole around 330am... and after that finally fell asleep.  BUT had to be up this morning... Filling in at "Henderson Office" for the week while they all are vacation!  Wayne went to get Madison so Nichole could go to school today... Yep Poppy is gonna babysit... But he loves it!
I have had contemplations about finding a J-O-B when Madison starts school this fall... BUT this "having" to get up and come to the office... well, THAT totally sucks!  I haven't "had" to get up in a long time!  Have been very spoiled .. even when we had our own business..  I didn't have to get up and get to the office.  I got up when I wanted too, got coffee and took to Wayne already at the office!  It makes a big difference getting up because "you want too" opposed to because "you have too"!
But I won't complain.... "too much" this week.... LOL.... I have a great life and I did volunteer to do this for friends... they aren't making me!  LOL

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Beginning

A friend encouraged me to start my own blog... said I viewed and said things about life in a "creative" way!  lol  Not sure if that is a good thing or not!  As I was researching blogs, I found I had already signed up to start one and had just never completed it.  So here we go...


You might not agree with my views.. and that's fine!  For I am sure I won't agree with yours either!  Just remember this is MY Blog!  Should be fun......