Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Well, Another moving day has been set.  I am torn about this move... Looking forward to being back in St. Augustine but sure am gonna miss my "access" to Madison on a daily basis!  But our times together in St. Augustine will be very special.  There is so much there for her and I to do together and so much history for her to learn.
I am also looking forward to living on the water.  My views from inside the house are awesome and to be able to just go out to the boat dock, sit and watch the Pelicans (my favorite bird) perch right on posts at my dock... oh my!  House is more "cottage" like... in other words "small".. lol... but I am telling myself that is less house to clean!
It is hard to imagine.... I am 49 yrs old and in my lifetime I have moved (counting this move) to a total of 35 houses!  Thirteen of those houses were from the age of 1 to 21.  I lived in 5 different houses when I was married to my first husband... which is more houses than years we were married!  The 7 yrs I was a single mom I lived in 4 different houses and since Wayne and I have been married (17 yrs)... We have lived in a total of 12... this one will count as 13!
Through all those moves THIS will be the first one I have not had to pack for myself!  So, if I seem a little "over the top" about moving company coming in, packing me up, moving my stuff and unpacking for me... then please reference the above moves and I think you'll understand my excitement!  I'm alittle nervous about some of my stuff being packed by someone else... but I am sure gonna take advantage of this service and let them do it all!
I sure hope this is my last move... for this view I will Never tire of ....

1 comment:

  1. We are headed home. Glad so many of those years were in St. Augustine and they are returning.
