Sunday, February 17, 2013


So today I just wanna VENT.... So, here are 2 things that "JUST FREAKIN ANNOY ME"... Totally non related....

1.  This Body By Vi stuff.... Or any other "diet fad".  Do people not realize if they don't change their whole eating habits "for good" they are just gonna gain all weight they lose on these fads back once they quit doing them?  They can't keep doing these fads forever.. they will damage their bodies. So why not do it "the right way"?  CHANGE YOUR EATING HABITS PERIOD!!  Doctor told Wayne... nothing white, nothing that doesn't fly or swim!  And of course lose the sweets!  I started eating like this with him, since I had to do the cooking! lol  I allow myself 2 Pepsi's a day and occasionally have a bite of something sweet.  We eat fish or chicken but mostly we eat vegetables!  I have lost 15 pounds since starting to eat like this.  The cool thing is ... it's not a fad, it's a life change!  Now, when I try to eat something sweet... it is too sweet for me.. and sometimes my Pepsi's (which I love) are too sweet and I go get a water instead!
Now IF I added exercise... like "walking" to this .. The end result would be MORE weight loss!  I am not a get up and "go to the gym" person.... that gets old! And for ME right now.. it is too damn cold to walk! lol.... so this change of eating habits~life change has been the way to go.
Now I'm not saying I don't cheat and eat a piece of bread at Olive Garden with my salad and sometimes I have white noodles instead of wheat noodles!  But it's the general concept of it that counts.  I buy my groceries different and it's not just stuff that I will do now and not do in a year..... this is a LIFE CHANGE!
But ya'll go ahead and waste that money.... I'm gonna spend mine on a new bikini swimsuit!!! That will still fit me next year and I won't have to worry about dieting again when next summer gets here to fit into it...

2.  A church posted this about their service today.... had a great service where 24 accepted Jesus.  Now that is great BUT........ I wanted to ask, did they receive the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues and were they baptized in the name of Jesus!  OUCH!  YEP, I said it!  I still believe in all that.... I see all these "pentecostals" that post stuff like this and so called "pentecostal preachers" that get up and talk about being pentecostal etc... etc.... but they NEVER mention the Holy Ghost or being baptized..... I wonder how many out there even believe in the Holy Ghost anymore?  Now for me... I don't wanna go to a church where they don't believe in the Holy Ghost (and I'm not talking-- Holy Spirit) THERE IS A DIFFERENCE!!!!  And don't teach that you need it~have to have it!  I think I was either born in the wrong era or something....... I just wanna sing the song.... "Lord, take me back"... all this new fandangled stuff is just not gonna cut it for me!!!


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