Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Pure Romance

And people wonder why there is so much divorce and cheating goin on in life ... ????
Last night my daughter and I hosted a "Pure Romance" party. It was alot of fun! But there were some comments and some issues some people said and had that I would just like to address.
One lady said... "I hope there aren't any "church people" here! Ummm... Myself and my husband are ordained ministers... Is there a problem?? Why? What's wrong with church people/ladies having fun, buying toys? Another one left because she felt uncomfortable! Didn't feel that "GOD" would want her spending her $$ on things like this! Ummm..... Really?
God created sex! God said it was GOOD for a man to have a woman! And he didn't mean to wash, cook, clean etc... He meant it in a sexual way! It is the Purest of Pure Romances!
Most know I am a VERY Liberal person... I do not believe in judging nor do I believe in ANYONE thinking they have the right to tell me what "they think" sin is or sin is not! There again is my saying... "Who died and made you God?"
But back to Sex and Toys! Keeping the Romance, The playfulness, The fun in your sexual relationship is one important step to keeping your marriage in tact. Having that Pure Romance withy your mate is essential to your marriage ... to your relationship! As years go by it can all become hohum... just something you feel you have to do. Kids keep you busy, life gets full and there is just NO time for all the stuff you used to have time for together. If your husband gets hohum... Well, Ladies it is then your job to make it NOT hohum for him.
Make a date night... Find a babysitter... Don't go out... Fix dinner for him, Candle lights, soft sexy music... dress seductively... and have your most sexiest undergarments on... Have the bedroom set up with candles... soft sexy music... whip cream, cherries, chocolate, ice... TOYS... give him the massage of his life... introducing him to all of the above! There is not a man on earth that doesn't like all this! They are MEN!!! Most men want a woman that is a classy lady in public and a wild woman in bed!!
Back in the Victorian days and even now ... Women have been taught sex is just a duty. They did their duty and then the husbands had a mistress on the side for all the fun! Well, guess what if you can't have fun with your husband he is gonna go find it elsewhere! And that goes for the men too... If they can't have fun with their wives... she is gonna go elsewhere to find it nowadays!
When you go to a public function.. dinner with friends... etc... Flirt with your husband... how do you think you caught him in the first place? And wouldn't you rather him respond to YOUR flirting than another woman's flirting with him? Whisper to him what you are gonna do to him when he gets you home! Rub your leg up his under the table! Let him know you aren't wearing underwear!
Having fun with your husband is a MUST! A Pure Romance! I don't care of your a church goer or an atheist! People put religion where is doesn't belong! In fact I hate religion of any kind! This is about YOU.. YOUR LIFE... YOUR JOURNEY... DO NOT LET RELIGION CLOUD YOUR LIFE! God... NOT Religion wants YOU to have the best life you can attain while here on earth. He wants us all to grow within ourselves. To be all that we can be! You can't do that listening to religion and religious people who tell you oh no... you can't do that! Lord, If I listened to all the "you can't do's" I have had in my life... I would be a hermit in a cave for fear I would do something that "was gonna send me straight to hell!" Learn who God really is! Get a personal relationship with him... NOT a religious one... You will find yourself... You will find fulfillment in your life... You will find happiness with your self, your life! You will learn that life is about having fun... not being so rigid and stiff that you can't do anything for FEAR! God is not about FEAR!! Fear that "church people" might be there and see you! Fear that God wouldn't want you spending your money on sex toys... massage oils... etc. What does it matter if "church people" see you... God sees you! He is our judge... NOT church people! And God expects us to have common sense when spending our money... If you can't afford or don't have extra money AFTER paying your bills then NO you shouldn't be spending money ANYWHERE.... even at any fast food restaurant on clothes etc.
It's time to get a PURE RELATIONSHIP with God and a PURE ROMANCE with your husband!

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